Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Heroes Spoilers!


Hiro and Ando (James Kyson Lee) look up an old frienemy. Actually, they dig him up, right out of his 400-year-old grave. Sarkie-poo, I have missed you!

Dr. Zimmerman has answers to Tracy Strauss' questions about her mysterious origins, and we'll learn of a fifth version of the woman who looks just like Ali Larter. (Wait a minute, were their parents named John and Kate?!) So just to make the math clear, here: We've met Niki Saunders, her two alternate personalities Jessica and Gina, and now Tracy Strauss, but we'll there is another person running around with the same pretty face.

In the future Sylar is not only living with his son Noah in the Bennet house, but he has Mr. Muggles. Will the violations never end? Actually, we'll see that Sylar has become a new man. As Zachary Quinto told me when I visited the set during the production of episode four, "I believe that there may be some waffle-making in this episode. This is an alternative sort of reality—you catch glimpses of times that may or may not actually come to fruition, but that are possibilities."

Source: Kristen @ E!

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