Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Spoilers from Eonline's Kristen:

Jaques in Paris, France: Give me a hint on the next Hero to die! Is it a big one?No. But the second death (at the hands of Mohinder) might make you crap yourself. It's a huge, huge, well-loved character...So well-loved that you can't possibly think for a moment this death will stick! By the by, did you all catch our brother network G4's new Heroes Post Show? It airs on Saturday nights at 11. Check it!

Gennifer in Indiana: I can't help but think something is off with Dexter's new girlfriend. Am I right?So, so right. The next episode is out of this world, and has two shocking moments: A climax of the Dexter and Doakes drama that will have you squealing (he's leaving the force!) and a freaky-ass arson fire that will show you just how freaky-ass Dex's new flame is! (Personally, I'm a little sad, 'cause I like the idea of Dex meeting an equal who can love him and help rehabilitate him...You?)

Jesse in Augusta, Maine: Smallville scoop? Sources tell me a recurring character bites the dust later this season, and the character stays dead.

Nicole in Lansing, Michigan: Supernatural?! Dean and Sam will be spending some time in the slammer, and to make matters worse, one of the Winchester boys will be shot. Also, look for some body-snatching demons to terrorize a small town.

Tama in Ashland, Oregon: Anything on Bones?As you may have heard, John Francis Daley is joining the cast permanently, and by midseason he'll be fully in the mix, assisting in suspect interrogations and working up psych profiles. This turns out to be especially useful when Booth gets himself an admirer/stalker. Wonder what Brennan will have to say about that? I'm also hearing producers are planning an American Idol-themed episode. In fact, they're currently searching for former Idol finalists who are interested in guesting on the show!

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