Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Supernatural Episode Details!

Episode 3x11 "Jus in Bello"

Agent Henriksen from the FBI descends on small town Monument, Colorado and captures Sam and Dean. He takes over the police station, even letting the one prisoner go, warning the Sheriff that they are the most dangerous criminals he will have ever met. He has his man lead them shackled into the station and the holding cell, leaving them shackled together. When demons attack the police station, killing the Henriksen's partner and several policemen, he blames Sam and Dean, believing they have friends coming to get them out. They try to tell him it's demons and everyone is in danger but he refuses to listen. Ruby finds them and comes up with a solution that no one believes in, forcing them to come up with a better solution.

Airs: 17th January 2008

Source: Spoilerfix

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