Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Smallville Finale Spoilers!

Death and destruction have always been hallmarks of Smallville season finales, but this year might set a standard for blood shed. The 14 capper, Doomsday, a titanic smackdown between Clark and monsterous alter ego of sensitive paramedic Davis Bloome. Davis looses his battle to control his Doomsday persona and turns into the Beast best known for killing Superman in comic book lore. "In comics he just turns into a killing machine," says exec producer Kelly Sounders.

But in the Smallville universe, Clark ends up "causing" that to actually happen. He's really responsible for Davis turning into the Doomsday that people know. Whether or not their battle ends up six feet under, there will be two departures and one arrival. "Somebody new and old is going to show up," Sounders teases. And this person will be back for season 9. "The finale is a good push off for next year," Sounders says. "Clark's decisions force him on a path he wasn't expecting...everything he's working toward this season gets turned on it's head."

Source: TV Guide Magazine

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Smallville S08E20 Beast - RMVB download