Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Heroes Death!


A Hero Is Going Six Feet Under! And I think most of you will be okay with who this soon-to-be-dead hero is. She (yes, she) has been grating on my nerves personally since day one of this-here season three. (Mostly because I want her off of my hot specimen of a former human.) Is that too obvious? Whoopsie!

A Villain Is Going Six Feet Under! And the real crime? Poor fella just got out of there...Yes, a villain that you and I both love is going down next week, and once he's gone, he's not coming back. Sadness.

Mohinder Goes From Bad to Worse: No one knows what he plans to do with those cocoons but he wants to add two more—he's thinking of putting in a Nathan-Tracy duplex. Ruh-roh.

Claire Discovers Why She's Special: Remember when Uncle Sylar cut off the top of her head and told her she was "different"? Before too long we will learn why and how that special-differentness came to be, and you will not be surprised to learn that the reason has everything to do with Grandma Angela, Grandpa Arthur and the whole previous corrupt generation of Heroes. (Think back to when Kaito Nakamura handed off Baby Claire to H.R.G.)

Source: Kristen @ E!

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