Thursday, July 31, 2008

True Blood Episode Details!

Episode 1x05 - Sparks Fly Out

Gran invites Bill to speak at her Descendants of the Glorious Dead meeting about his life as a Confederate Soldier. Shown in flash-backs of the Civil War, we are shown the horror that Bill saw and how the attempted rescue of a wounded soldier, crying out from the battlefield, lead to his best friend's death. Bill then fields questions from his audience and one member of the DGD shows Bill a tintype of the Compton family, which Bill doesn't remember having taken, but is moved by it nonetheless.

Among the audience in attendance at the DGD meeting are Sam, Sookie, Tara and Jason, as well as three trouble-making young men packing a garlic press. Sam notices that Sookie is very tense, while Jason, high on vampire blood, is noticing Tara as if for the first time. After the meeting, Gran and Bill watch Sookie leave with Sam as they go out for coffee.At Merlotte's, the three trouble-makers from the DGD meeting have issues with Lafayette's cooking. Lafayette confronts them and they wish they had never walked into Merlotte's that night.Included in tonight's episode is another flashback to when Bill meets Lorena, the vampire who turned him, and Sookie deals with the loss of someone close to her.

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