Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Chuck Episode Details!

Episode 2x04

Heather, a high school classmate of Sarah's happens to show up at The Orange Orange, Sarah's new cover job, and reveals Sarah's real name, while Chuck is watching. Stunned that he finally knows her real name, Chuck has a little fun with "Sarah" by almost...but not quite blowing her cover. Chuck manages to get a little more background information on "Sarah", until he meets Heather's husband and he flashes on far more dangerous background information.

The unassuming "nerd" who was also a classmate of Sarah's is more than he seems.Now Sarah, Casey and Chuck have to go undercover at Sarah's high school reunion to foil the sale of high-tech bomb plans to villainous Russians. Somehow Chuck manages to look like a hero while Casey fumes, and Sarah confronts demons from her past. Ah, high school.Meanwhile, back at the Buy More, Lester instructs the employees in the art of "Friendly Negotiations" with customers. The results aren't quite what corporate had in mind.

Source: ChuckTV.net

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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