Thursday, November 5, 2009

Smallville Interview!

When last we tuned into The CW’s ‘Smallville’ (Fridays at 8/7c), Oliver Queen said goodbye – again - to romance with Lois, and hello to a prospective sidekick for Green Arrow. What’s next for the newly dark archer - aside from a run-in with the actual Dark Archer? Justin Hartley shared a look at the challenges ahead, offered insight on Ollie’s feelings for Lo, and revealed what he and Tom Cruise do not have in common.

Have you enjoyed delving into Oliver’s darker side this season?
I tell you what, man, I have been loving it. Last year was a little disappointing for me because, quite honestly, I didn’t work. But this year has been the complete opposite. It’s like the writers are trying to challenge me, and I’m up for it. It’s a Superman show, so for them to spend any amount of time on me is flattering.

Are we to assume that Ollie is now mentoring Mia/Speedy off-screen?
Elisa [Gatien] is going to come back for at least one more [episode], maybe two, so yeah, that’s what he’s doing, which is in line with the comics. But just because he’s not still being self-destructive doesn’t mean he’s the same person he was. I hate to compare the show to ‘Dexter,’ but it’s about how he manages that dark side.

I understand Green Arrow will be meeting up with Dark Archer in the episode “Disciple” (slated to air November 27).
Yeah, and that’s going to be interesting. Steve Bacic (aka “Dr. Sexy, MD” on ‘Supernatural’) plays Dark Archer. He’s a really good-looking guy, but when they did him up with the beard and this black costume, he becomes a gnarly, menacing dude. We had a good time.

All of the fans are abuzz about the two-part Justice Society episode, coming in January. Geoff Johns Tweeted about how Green Arrow and Hawkman “don’t get along. At all.”
No, they don’t. They don’t. They have completely different views on just about everything you can imagine. Hawkman (played by ‘Stargate’s’ Michael Shanks) has this sort of antiquated, conservative point of view, while Oliver is the “liberal bleeding heart.” Together, they are a match made in hell.

Add in Clark, Stargirl and Doctor Fate, and it sounds like it will be a comic-book lover’s dream come true.
It will be. You have Geoff writing it, and then there’s the fact that it was originally one show, but when it came in the producers were like, “This is a feature film; we better make it two.” They’re not sparing any expense. In fact, this whole year has been really, really good. I think we’re begging for a Season 10, with all that we’ve been doing.

Is it safe to say that Oliver has tucked away his feelings for Lois somewhere?
I think he’ll always have feelings for her. He’s an interesting guy because usually people have this ability to move on. But Oliver, as flippant a ladies man as he is and as cool and confident as he seems, those are all crutches to disguise what’s going on inside of him. He’s gone to the next level with Lois, which is admitting to her and himself that he is absolutely in love with her and that she is the best part of his life - and for the first time he was comfortable saying it. Now he’s like, “How do I do deal with it?” If he respects Clark he certainly won’t try to move in on their relationship, but he does have a hard time moving on. That’s a flaw of his, but it’s also a beautiful part of him.

Might they now point Ollie in Chloe’s direction? They seemed to have a “moment” in “Roulette” – and there’s a “Chlollie” nickname floating around already.
I don’t know. It’s TV so they have to go somewhere [with characters' love lives], but I think it’s much more interesting for Oliver to have a relationship with a female that’s platonic.

You starred in a thriller now out on DVD, ‘Red Canyon.’ Where did you film it that everyone became so sweaty and, as you reveal in the extras, pungent?
We were in Hell. No, it was a town called Hanksville, Utah. It was in the middle of the desert, and it was July or August…. So yeah, the crew members were out there working 14-hour days, sweating. The cast had it easy compared to them.

Your character, Tom, is a smart aleck. Is that a part of yourself that you tend to bring to roles?
Yeah, I’m kinda like that I guess - though I’m not as much of a d— as Tom! [Laughs] But one day early on, the director told us that a scene wasn’t working, so I said, “Do you mind if I go off script a bit?” And he liked it. In this movie, weird and dark and awful things happen…

And Tom is a sort of “peanut gallery” commenting on it all.
Yeah, he is the comic relief, just along for the ride. He’s upset that this [trip out West] isn’t hot chicks, booze and getting laid all the time, so now he’s pissed at everyone.

Is there a kind of movie you are hankering to do next?
Because I do ‘Smallville,’ you’d think I wouldn’t want to do an action movie, but I’m dying to do a ‘Die Hard’ type of thing.

Well speaking of action stars, I took notice during one of your ‘Smallville’ close-ups that you share similar facial features with Tom Cruise. Have you ever heard that before?
I didn’t first hear that until I hit, like, 25, but I’ve got to be honest, brother – we’ve got different bank accounts! [Laughs]

Source: Fancast

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