Brett in Federal Way, Wash.: Any word on whether we will be seeing our favorite damsel in distress, Kim Bauer, on this season of 24?
My 24 sources told me there are currently no plans to put Kim (Elisha Cuthbert) in season seven, and my Lipstick Jungle sources told me there are no plans to let that other 24 Kim (Kim Raver) off of her NBC series to come and do her previous Fox gig. However, there are plans for Kim's hands to be firmly cupping Rob Buckley's backside, so all is not lost.
Melissa A.: You said there would be loving for Angel on Dexter? Spill, please!
I ran into David Zayas at the Delimar Vera premiere—apparently he, Judy Reyes and Ana Ortiz were all good friends long before they were famous—and I asked about Angel's new love interest this season. He told me, "Angel's new love interest is not Deb; it's possibly a character to be named later that you haven't met yet. And no, that character is not a serial killer, as far as I know." Of course, the course of TV true love never did run smoothly, in part because, as Zayas points out, "Angel's always got that offbeat style of approaching women..." Heee. As for Bautista's professional life, Zayas told me, "Angel gets a lot more responsibility when it comes to his police duties."
Isabella in Rio de Janeiro: Ola, Kristin. I'm dying here to learn more about Ali Larter's character on Heroes. Niki, Jessica, Gina, Tracy? Is she a different personality or is she an entirely different person now? Please, give us something! XOXO Beijinhos
Ola, Isabella! Tudo bem? E...that's all the Portuguese I've got, sorry. Ali's new character is named Tracy Strauss, and she's a political adviser to the governor of New York. Is Tracy connected to Niki? Well, a reporter sure thinks that the nekkid pictures of "Niki" on the Internet are not just a case of mistaken identity. Also, when we pick up the story, Tracy is angling to get Nathan Petrelli a pretty good government job. There has to be a tie between Niki and Tracy in there somewhere, and if you want to know exactly how, email Mr. Linderman, because he knows, and I think he might be the mastermind behind the whole switcheroo...
Wanda2Saints: But wait, isn't Linderman dead?!
Yes, but he is not gone! And Nathan will be the first to see him.
Claire in Santa Fe, N.M.: Kristin, I need Heroes info!
A favorite character's father will be losing his head—and not just in the temper-tantrum, poor-impulse-control way. Dad's skull will no longer be attached to dad's spine.
Marcia in Tallahassee, Fla.: Kristin, what is the latest on Wentworth Miller! I went all the way to San Diego to see him at Comic-Con, and he didn't show, so the least you could do is give me scoop.
Hey, I went all the way to Comic-Con to see you, so now who's feeling dissed? I just hit Prison Break's new Los Angeles set (right down the street from E!, holler!) and learned that (a) it is the former digs of Arrested Development, so naturally, I had a moment, (b) Michael and Sara were playing house(boat) and tonsil hockey—whee!—and (c) the whole A-Team group will hit up Vegas this season in their quest to take down the Company. If you're in Vegas this week, look for Wenty and friends at one of the hip casinos! They're shooting there.
Money in Detroit: So you reported the Connor family loses track of Cameron on Terminator, but where does she go?
I'm hearing Cameron ends up in a halfway house. What? Even girls who use staple guns on their faces for quick-and-dirty surgery need a little help sometimes. I'm also hearing that Cameron will forget John and throw him up against a wall when he finally catches her.
Source: E! Online
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