Friday, October 31, 2008
Supernatural/Smallville Ratings!

SMALLVILLE matched its season highs in adults 18-34 (1.8/6), men 18-34 (2.2/7), men 18-49 (2.1/6) and total viewers (4.3mil). SMALLVILLE improved over last week’s telecast by 6% in adults 18-34, 10% in men 18-34, 11% in men 18-49 and 4% in viewers.
SUPERNATURAL climbed to its best performance in adults 18-34 (1.4/4), adults 18-49 (1.5/4) and total viewers (3.6mil) since its season premiere (9/18/08). SUPERNATURAL grew week-to-week by 17% in adults 18-34, 45% in men 18-34, 15% in adults 18-49, 33% in men 18-49 and 9% in total viewers.
On the first night of the Nov. 2008 Sweep, The CW climbed to its best Thursday of the season in men 18-34 (1.9/6-tie) and second best in adults 18-34 (1.6/5), adults 18-49 (1.6/4) and total viewers (3.9mil). Compared to the first night of the Nov. 2007 Sweep a year ago, The CW is up in adults 18-49, men 18-34, men 18-49 and total viewers.
Chuck Casting Scoop!

Are they going to be evil spies? Old friends? New lovers? I've got the dish...
According to my sources, when intelligence reports suggest that an evil Fulcrum agent might be living in the suburbs, Chuck (Zachary Levi) and Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) are forced to go undercover as a...wait for it...married couple and play house.
(And the Sarah-Chuck fans go crazay.)
Andy and Jenny will play different neighbors who live in the 'hood.
"Chuck Versus the Suburbs" is episode 14 of the current second season, and it will most likely air in late February.
Sons of Anarchy Collage!
Heroes Press Release!

Smallville Episode Details!

Supernatural Episode Details!

Episode 4x10 "Hell's Angels"
Anna remembers her past, allowing Sam and Dean to understand why Castiel and Uriel want her dead; Alastair and his demons close in on Anna, Dean and Sam.
Airs: 20th November 2008
Source: SpoilerTV
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sanctuary Episode Titles!

Chuck Promo Pics!
Episode 2x09 "Chuck Vs the Sensei":
Fringe Episode Details!
Bones Episode Details!
Supernatural Interview!
TVGuide.com: I'm guessing — purely guessing — that this is the first angel you've played.
TVGuide.com: What brings Uriel to the world of Supernatural? Is he there to ostensibly save Halloween?
TVGuide.com: I'm thinking he doesn't get a big ol' hug from Castiel?
TVGuide.com: They have different approaches to the job, I understand.
TVGuide.com: Misha Collins told me that Uriei is a bit "trigger-happy."
TVGuide.com: So, he's closer to Prison Break's Lechero than The Wire's Bunny.
TVGuide.com: How did you like working with Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki?
TVGuide.com: Is the door left open for your character to return ... or not so much?
TVGuide.com: Was filming up there in Vancouver more comfortable than Prison Break's "Panama"?
TVGuide.com: All of your Prison Break scenes looked grueling, hot and/or odorous.
TVGuide.com: What will you most fondly remember about The Wire?
TVGuide.com: What do you think the show's legacy should be?
Chuck Episode Details!

Prison Break Episode Details!

Terminator Episode Details!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Bones Scoop!

Interestingly, Jared almost came knocking on his big bro's door last spring. That plan got waylaid by the WGA strike's intrusion.
Dexter Episode Details!

Episode 3x08 "The Damage a Man Can Do"
Miguel not only brings Dexter another potential target but wants in on the action; Rita's pregnancy causes her to fear that Dexter will lose interest in her; Debra's digging gets her closer to nabbing the Skinner, and upon discovering a secret about her new boyfriend, Anton, he disappears.
Airs: 16th November 2008
Source: SpoilerTV
Bones/Terminator Episode Titles!
LOST Scoop!

More Spoilers!

Question: Mary McDonnell's name has been ominously left off the list of the actors appearing in the Battlestar Galactica movie. Is this a sign that our favorite president doesn't survive the end of the series? -- Brittany
Ausiello: It could be interpreted in any number of ways. I tried to pump McDonnell for details when I spoke to her earlier this week, but she would only say that Roslin's "story is not going to be explored further in the movie." Smart gal. Then, copping to a bit of post-Battlestar depression, she admitted, "It's still difficult. It's wonderful to be back in L.A. and not be commuting [from Vancouver]. The practical lifestyle part of it has been great. But I miss everyone terribly. Ending that show was excruciating; it was really hard to finish. It was such a glorious experience." Not to mention a creatively satisfying one -- right up 'till the end. "The sophistication of the writing became…so beautiful and dark…light…It was quite something to be inside of. It felt to me so complete that while I'm very sad that it's over, I'm very glad it was a complete saga and that it maintained its quality 'till the end. It didn't just drift off."
Question: Fringe scoop, please! -- Sara
Ausiello: Christmas is going to come early for you, Sara, as I'm hearing that the show has a big cliffhanger planned for its December 2 episode, titled "Safe." How big? While the team is investigating a series of weird-ass robberies, one of the major players gets kidnapped. That big. Meanwhile, if you're a serious fan -- and something in your use of that exclamation point tells me you are -- you'll likely pee yourself over this fun new site.
Question: This season's Dexter is a little flat. Any spoilers you can tell us to inflate it? -- Kristen
Ausiello: Yeah, I've sent back diet soda that has as little fizz as this season. But maybe things'll get shaken up next week when Dexter's dad tries to talk him out of trusting Miguel? Or maybe not.
Question: What's happening? I used to jump on here and be overloaded with Smallville spoilers, but last week... nothing! Do you have anything that can satiate this Smallville fanatic? -- Susie
Ausiello: "Satiate"? Probably not. But "tantalize"? You betcha. My moles whisper that there's an action-packed story arc in the works for Lana.
Question: Please tell us which long-running characters will kiss in Episode 12 of Smallville. -- Joe
Ausiello: Isn't it obvious? L*** and Clark.
Question: Please post more news about The Sarah Connor Chronicles. It's one of my favorite shows and deserves more press. Also, please visit the set and interview the cast. -- Merie
Ausiello: I'll get right on that, boss. In the meantime, you'll have to settle for this scoop: Someone is keeping a secret. A huge secret. And since I know who it is, I guess I am, too.
Question: I absolutely love the Sarah Connor Chronicles. Do you have any info about it? -- Shannon
Ausiello: As a matter of fact, I do. But I won't be posting it until tomorrow, so keep checking back. It's exciting! (Not that you wouldn't have come back, anyway, right?)
Question: What the Smurf! I need me some 24 Spoilers! -- Eddie
Ausiello: There are no tiny blue things running around in Jack Bauer's neck of the woods -- trust me on that. I caught a glimpse of (okay, the whole long gander at) the two-hour 24: Redemption flick airing Nov. 23 on Fox, and it's essentially a warm-up for season 7: swearing in new prez Allison Taylor (Cherry Jones) and bringing in Jon Voight as the vague Big Bad. Of course, Jack does kick a lot of ass in the African jungle, too. But for all his troubles, he still winds up handcuffed on a helicopter en route to the U.S., where he'll stand trial for his criminal-torturing ways.
Question: I need to know what night and time Lost is on starting in Jan. '09. I need to select which evenings I'm teaching next semester, and I prefer to watch Lost live, not on DVR two hours later. -- Rosamaria
Ausiello: No decision has been made yet, but my gut is telling me it'll return to Thursdays at 10 pm. In related news, remember my scoop last week about Lance Reddick returning for an episode? Well, my Hawaii mole reports that he was shooting scenes in a hospital with Charles Widmore. Theorizes Doc Jensen: "If you believe, as I do, that Charles Widmore has been chasing after the island in order to cheat death by exploiting its time-travel properties, my guess is that Daddy Devilbucks was telling his mysterious henchman, ‘Would you please hurry your ass up and find me that Island?! I'm dyin' here!'"
Question: More Lost scoop, please! -- Dennis
Ausiello: In case you didn't see it, here are the official titles for the first six episodes. Let the speculation begin!
Episode 5.01 - Because You Left
Episode 5.02 - The Lie
Episode 5.03 - Jughead
Episode 5.04 - The Little Prince
Episode 5.05 - This Place is Death
Episode 5.06 - The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham
Question: Chuck is awesome. Why aren't more folks watching? Is NBC going to be patient and let the show's audience grow as it did with The Office? -- Brad
Ausiello: Most people are stupid. That's why the ratings suck. But by all accounts, NBC is sticking by the show. "They really believe in it," says exec producer Josh Schwartz. "Picking up the show for the full 22 episodes before we even aired was a sign of faith. Selecting Chuck to do the 3-D episode was another sign of faith. And I think everyone knew coming into the [fall] with football, the baseball playoffs and all the competition in the time slot, having to lead off the night having been off the air so long, it was going to take a little time. But they're being patient, and people who have seen the show this season seem to be really excited about it." So go ahead and exhale, Brad. Josh said it was OK.
Question: Any Chuck scoop? Pweeeease? -- Nicola
Ausiello: Brad's going to like this, too. While I was talking with Josh Schwartz, he also told me that the upcoming arc featuring Chuck's ex, Jordana Brewster, features some "juicy" Chuck/Sarah stuff. "We're always talking about how far you can take them…and how quickly. It was very emotional and honest between those two characters very early in the season, and Jordana's arrival throws a wrench into all of that. The relationship will continue to unravel, but I think you'll see in November sweeps that it will really heat up."
Source: Ausiello Files @ EW

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Heroes Spoilers!
Stargate Universe Update!

Supernatural Flashback!

18 years old. Must look like a younger version of Jensen Ackles.
Source: SpoilerTV
LOST Scoop!


Eliza in Boise, Idaho: Anything on Bones?
Hockey legend Luc Robataille guests in an upcoming episode, and Seeley Booth even gets on the ice with him (which has to be thrilling for David Boreanaz). Also, the bad news about the upcoming storyline with Booth's brother is that Jared and Brennan make out, the good news is that...uh, Booth and Bones will probably get together eventually? (I'm trying here!)
Gregory in New Hampshire: How about some big love for Smallville? What can you say about Lana?
Lana comes back a very different and stronger person, and her real reasons for leaving via video message will be revealed. Also, mark your calendars: The Doomsday stuff during November sweeps is awesome.
Jenny in Toronto: Are Micah and Molly ever going to come back to Heroes?
They were the cutest things.Magic 8 Ball says: Outlook not so good. Micah and Molly are not necessarily gone for good, but the show is definitely focused on other storylines for the time being.
Sarah in Vancouver, British Columbia: Please show us some Terminator love! Now that the show's been picked up for a full season, got any juicy scoop?
According to Leven Rambin (Riley), "Towards the 13th episode, something very traumatic happens [with Riley]. She gets kind of depressed because she doesn't really get anywhere with John. She's upset that she can't emotionally get really attached to John. And he keeps wanting her to, and she just has this barrier."
Alyx in Pinole, Calif.: Any dish on Sons of Anarchy?
I talked to Maggie Siff about how the kuh-razy scene at the end of "The Pull." She said, "They're already pretty psychically entangled, but when you do the deed—a deed—such as that one, it has an impact." In other news, Opie needs to watch his back, because someone's about to paint a target on it.
Source: Kristen @ E!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Smallville Press Release!

Season 8: "Abyss" (Airdate: 11/06/08)
Brainiac begins removing Chloe’s (Allison Mack) memories one by one until the only person she remembers is Davis (Sam Witwer). Clark (Tom Welling) realizes the only way to stop Brainiac from taking over Chloe’s mind is to rebuild the Fortress and ask Jor-El to heal her. Erica Durance, Aaron Ashmore, Justin Hartley and Cassidy Freeman also star. Kevin Fair directed the episode written by Don Whitehead & Holly Henderson.
Source: CW
Pic: Kryptonsite.com
Bones Scoop!

Chuck/Prison Break Renewal?

"The Renew or Cancel Index is updated on a weekly basis, to see the latest list, click here.
Several shows moved from the Cancellation in May zone into the Renewal for 2009-10 Likely zone this week including: Chuck, Prison Break, and Ugly Betty. Others getting close to the renewal zone are Knight Rider and Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, both of which got full season (2008-9) orders from their networks this week.
I’ll go on record now as predicting that Pushing Daisies will be this season’s Moonlight (which was sort of last season’s Jericho) in terms of the volume of fans wailing and moaning about the injustice and conspiracies of the television networks and vowing never to watch ABC again if the show is cancelled. If you’re emotionally fragile and a fan of Pushing Daisies, prepare yourself! As far as all those Moonlight fans vowing never to watch CBS again, it seems that even more fans have vowed not to watch the other networks."
Source: Tvbythenumbers.com